Reasons Mothers Should Drink Decaf

For the past nine months of your pregnancy, you have put a limit or even completely cut out some of the drinks and foods you love the most. And as you welcome your motherhood and breastfeed your baby, you are probably curious to know what you can’t enjoy just yet and what you can put back on your menu.

Can you indulge in a cup of coffee in peace or would it be better if you stay away from your favorite beverage for a while?

Effects of Caffeine on Pregnancy

You might have come across some claims that it is too risky to drink coffee during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. On the other hand, you might have been told that a cup of coffee per day wouldn’t hurt. However, since every expectant mother wants only the best for her baby, it is best to know what the experts have to say.

It is important to keep in mind that coffee itself is not risky. The real problem lies with caffeine which has been proven to have stimulant effects, speeding up your heart rate and increasing your blood pressure levels.

Also, since it crosses the placenta, the dose of caffeine must be closely monitored since an unborn baby still lacks the enzymes required for metabolizing caffeine. Also, since caffeine keeps you awake, this will naturally affect your baby as well.

Studies revealed that you also don’t need to completely give up on your caffeinated coffee. However, it is still advisable to limit your intake of caffeine during pregnancy to a dose equivalent to only 150 to 200 mg a day.

In practice, it means you can theoretically drink two cups of drip coffee daily. It is also recommended for expectant mothers should consult their gynecologist about their caffeine intake and consider their present health condition and overall medical history.

It is also important to remember that today, coffee is not the only source of caffeine as it can also be found in green tea, black tea, cocoa, chocolate, and cola drinks.

Effects of Caffeine When Breastfeeding

Small amounts of consumed caffeine also pass into a mother’s breast milk. This is why it makes more sense for women to limit their intake of caffeine while breastfeeding. If a breastfeeding mother consumes two or three espressos per day, there is a high risk that the baby will also have trouble sleeping. It means that even after you give birth, it is not recommended to go overboard with your caffeine intake.

Other Facts to Know about Caffeine During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Never be intimated by the claims that caffeine consumption during pregnancy can cause birth defects. There are still no studies to back up these claims. Here are other facts to keep in mind:

  • A pregnant woman’s body often processes caffeine slower than usual.
  • Higher caffeine doses might be linked with increased risks of miscarriage.
  • Some studies reveal that babies of mothers who drink coffee and other caffeinated products and beverages during pregnancy weigh lower at birth.
  • Since the last trimester is often associated with insomnia, expectant mothers should reconsider making the problem worse by drinking caffeinated coffee at this time.

Is Decaf Coffee the Best Alternative?

Considering that Swiss Water (R) decaf coffee is free from up to 99.9% of its caffeine content, this is a better option for mothers during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

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